Blog Ian

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ian's "Big Boy" Bed

Ian supervises the installation of his "big boy" bed by a couple of guys from Spiller furniture.

This is a big, and overdue change for Ian--moving out of his crib and into a bed. He's had the ability to climb/jump out of the crib for several weeks, which made us quite nervous; but he never showed any inclination to change his sleeping arrangement. He liked his crib, leading us to think that he might rebel at the notion of leaving it.

But no! He loves his new bed and now that we've made the switch, he hasn't once asked to go back to his crib.

We suspect that one reason he likes the new bed so much is the railings on its side (see the bed on the left). He loves to climb over them and generally mess around with them. The reason one of these two twin beds has railing is because the two are actually bunk beds. We decided that Ian was still too young (and that he still careens around too much at night) to use them as bunk beds, but, conveniently, they can be used separately with very little fuss or muss. Later, we'll convert it into a bunk bed, but, for now, it suits our purposes perfectly as two twins.

Now, if only we can convince Ian that taking naps is a good idea... Posted by Picasa

School Portrait, Fall 2006

A (professional) photo of our young scholar:

I think the globe is a particularly nice touch. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 03, 2006

Ian's Third Birthday

Over a month (!) has slipped by since Ian's birthday. Before any more time passes, I want to record that he had a fine, extended birthday. It began on the actual birth date, 27 September, with a couple of presents in the morning. At his daycare, they had a little birthday celebration, but not for him! There were three birthdays that week and so his teacher asked us to spread them out. So, they had a party for Ian the day after his birthday; Marysia brought cake and we had a fine time.

But to return to the actual birthday: we went out to Chuck E. Cheese's. It was Ian's first visit there ever and he had a blast. Coincidentally, we ran into a pal of his, Marco, with whom he played air hockey. And then we also ran into Jason, a anthropology colleague of Marysia's, who was there with his daughter. It was quite the happening place.

The partay continued at home where we had more gifts and an ice-cream cake. Ian blew out all three candles himself!

(The cup to his left is from Chuck E. Cheese's.)

The celebration wasn't over yet, however. We had too many gifts for one day and so we extended the gift-giving to the weekend, when he received his "big" present: a kid's workbench, with tools and "nails" and "bolts" and all sorts of things to bang on.

He loved that and his other gifts, including a pop-up book, more track for his Thomas the Tank Engine train, plastic food for his plastic oven, and more!

So, are the "terrible twos" over? We shall see... But so far Ian really seems to be enjoying being three.